Men are meant to be in motion. The process of moving is followed by rest, but if you never move, you will be bored, and boredom will lead to frustration, which will cause you to step out of alignment with who you are created to be. This vicious cycle has consequences. Below is a simple strategic framework to help you build a plan. Many confuse these definitions and misunderstand strategy and tactics. The below article will provide a high-level look at a Strategic framework you can use in life.
Vision- Mission- Strategy- Tactics
Every man needs a vision; this is the overarching goal, the plan, and the ability to see the end from the beginning. It is a goal you are pressing for, and the vision must be more significant than you. The vision should stretch, fuel you, and drive you as you step out to build a map to get to this destination.
After you develop the vision and define your destination, next comes the mission. The mission is the target that is in front of you. There will be missions on the way to your overarching goal, and they should shift and change based on your hit rate. After you hit the target in front of you, you will set out on another mission. Missions will vary based on where you are in the process of pursuing and building your vision.
Strategy is the pattern and plan we will build and follow to accomplish your mission. The strategy incorporates perspective and position. A strategic mindset means asking the right questions as we formulate and pressure test the plan. A strategic plan will ensure we have thought through our approach, can see around corners, and can prepare for the worst-case scenario.
Now that we have a clear vision, have set our targets, defined the mission, and created a strategic plan, it's time to execute the tactics. Tactics are the daily actions, disciplines, and decisions needed to win.
After the plan is built, it must be applied, implemented, and executed. You must take action.
"The best plans left unexecuted are useless."
You can have the most thorough plan, but unless you work the plan, it isn't significant. Contrast this with an average plan well executed. At the end of the day the following quote by Benjamin Franklin still stands:
"If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail!"
If you would like to learn more about building and implementing a vision, mission, and strategic plan in your life that aligns with God's purpose and your identity as a Man of God, download THE MAP today (FREE). You can grab it here.