Christian Men STOP Saying This
Where do you get your identity from? Many men find identity in their country of origin, their ethnicity, where they went to school, their hobbies or favorite sports team. Identity is the bedrock for how we see ourselves, how we see the world, how we think and how we relate to others. And most importantly how we relate to God. Your identity forms your worldview. When you get tripped up in life, frustrated and stuck in vicious cycles it can all be traced back to where you find your identity. Far too often I have been hearing the statement from other Christian men that goes like this:
“I am just a sinner saved by grace.”
Maybe you said this yourself. In today’s blog:
- We will discover why this statement is unbiblical and dangerous.
- Learn how the apostle Paul addresses the most immature and the most legalistic Christians he wrote to.
- Learn what Jesus meant when He said “Go and sin no more”
If you want to step into Biblical manhood you must know your identity. When you see the way God views you, you will change the way you view yourself.
“I am just a sinner saved by grace”
When guys trip up they can be found saying, "hey man we all sinners saved by grace." If you have been around church culture and other Christians you most likely heard someone, say, post or write this.
And its easy to hide behind this statement that appears to be cloaked in humility when at its core it is unbiblical, incorrect and wrong thinking
It’s become common and guys use it to justify their behavior, no where in the bible will you read I am a sinner saved by grace. You will read that you were formerly dead in your trespasses and sins but you have now been saved by grace.
The Apostle Paul actually refers to his old life in the past tense:
I have been crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself up for me. Galatians 2:20
So let's dive in a little more and look at the identity Paul prescribes to believers in his letters.
He calls all the believers saints, these were living believers. There are over 200 references where the Greek word for saints in the NT refers to living followers of Christ as saints
These must have been super Christians, right?- he couldn’t have called those that struggle with sin saints, could he?
Every church as a distinct character and every letter has a historical backdrop. Let's zoom in on the Greek city of Corinth.
The church at Corinth was the most immature, fleshy, body of believers. Paul corrects them on multiple issues. There are factions, there is infighting and they are even taking each other to court! Despite this Paul opens his letter by addressing them as saints
In contrast the Galatians are the most religious and legalistic. They are still fighting to keep and force Old Testament Jewish laws on new converts to Christianity. The Apostle Paul brings a scathing rebuke to this church, yet despite this Paul tells them they are sons, heirs and not slaves.
This is an issue of IDENTITY
Jesus takes on issues of identity with full force in the lives of his followers
Jesus pronounces to Peter that he is a ROCK. At the time of this declaration Jesus has a foreknowledge that Peter will deny him.
The issue of identity is central for all followers of Christ.
The disciples would never change the world if they had a constant inner struggle over who they were in Christ.
One day they would preach with boldness and one day they would second guess and doubt.
When Jesus said- ‘sin no more’ he was addressing sin is a continuous lifestyle
Stop making bad choices,
This is NOT to say that saints can’t or do not sin, but that is not where I find my identity, I am a saint and a son. When son's miss the mark they quickly confess and repent.
When I live as a son and I sin, I am not only convicted because of sin, I am convicted because I am acting out of alignment with my new identity, and the closer I walk with God the less I desire to sin. I become stronger to resist temptation because I know choosing sin is not consistent with who I am.
If I consistently confess that I am a sinner I am empowering that thought. I am aligning my identity with my words.
This Label becomes The Lid In My Life.
If you are going to be the man your are created and called to be you must align with your new identity.
Unlike some Christians who are hyper-focused on depravity and sin in their lives
I am going to challenge you to be hyper-focused on your sonship. View God as a Father who loves you, and yes he disciplines and corrects you because He loves you. He is a good father.
If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
1 John 1:9
After making this statement, the Apostle John writes a few chapters later that we are overcomers, and overcomers are not sinners.
Although we may sin that is not our identity.
You are called to be a son and an overcomer
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